
Preliminary Task

Main Task

Friday, 23 March 2012

5) How did you attract/ address your audiences?

By keeping our target audience in mind we were able to mould our product to appeal to them. This way we will be able to sell our film effectively and produce as much profit as possible. Our film has a very broad appeal, one of the main reasons for this is its use of technology.

Soundtrack: The soundtrack is uncopyrighted music. It is upbeat with a distinctive technologic style which suits the typical modern teenager's music preference and would therefore be attractive to the typical modern teenager, who are a major part of our target audience.

Technology: By incorporating technology into the film, we have captured the general interest of teenagers who enjoy using and are familiar with technology.

Characters: Our protagonist is a young male adult, someone that our target audience can relate with since they also young male adults.

Editing: It begins with slow shots in order to allow the audience to register the theme of the clip. From there the shots begin getting faster, editing becomes faster paced but we begin to make it slower just before the officer attacks. Doing this gives impact to the attack as the audience would not be expecting this to happen while everything seemed to be going so well.

We held a screening of our film opening within our school and we asked the audience to fill in a short questionnaire afterwards, this allowed us to gather feedback on our film opening.

In order to attract students from our school to our screening, I produced a poster, bearing in mind that it would be stuck up around in a busy school where students are unlikely to stop and read signs on the walls. The title of the film is clearly stated in the centre of the poster, with a location, time and date underneath is clear bold font making it easy to read. The background has some simple green code fading into black, this is done so that it does not draw the eye away from the important information while making the technological theme obvious. I positioned the posters strategically, putting more posters in areas where older students passed by, such as outside the Sixth Form common room, and less where younger students passed by, like the Year 7 and 8 Form room corridors, since our film is not aimed at a younger audience. Younger students were still welcome to come, but we did not expect too many of them to turn up.

As a large percent of teenagers use social networking sites such as Facebook, we were able to use Web 2.0 to invite students from our school to come to our screening by creating an "event".

We asked the audience to fill in some questionnaires after they had finished watching. By doing this we were able to spot a few things about our audience:
  • Everyone was able to name the title afterwards, meaning that it was clear enough.
  • Almost all could recognise what our target audience was.
  • Many people within the audience were able to identify three distinct genres from our film opening; sci-fi, action, thriller.
  • There were more people than I expected that could establish that our rookie hacker was a subordinate and that our boss hacker was the leader; almost all of them.
  • People wanted to know "Is the lead hacker alive?" and "What happens next?".
  • Something that people said could be improved if the attack of the main hacker, they thought it could be emphasised more.
  • The graphics impressed our audience with comments that they looked "realistic and really professional".
  • The music was well liked as it suited the genre well, helping build tension.

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